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Advantages of Linux Operating System

Operating System (OS) Linux and Windows have their advantages and disadvantages of each ,. The ease and convenience of using the OS usually influenced habit of using it. People who are accustomed to using Windows would consider using them more comfortable, as well as Linux users will feel comfortable if frequent use. Therefore, in this post we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of linux. pengertian sistem operasi

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Advantages of Linux Operating System

In the case of the Linux OS has some advantages and disadvantages, keunnggulan linux diataranya as follows.

a. Requires more hardware resources tiny fraction compared to using Windows, Linux computer to run just simply use the equivalent Intel Pentium 100 processor (Pentium Classic) with 32 MB of memory.

b. Higher security level. Linux has the permissions that can be set by the administrator of Linux TSB. So the existing data on linux PC can be kept out of the hands of ignorant who want to see our data. Besides linux requires login first if you want to get into the system. Unlike the Windows 9.x / Me that allow anyone into the fungsi sistem operasi.

c. Relatively thick against viruses. Perhaps this is favored by the users of linux. Unix-based systems have been known to computer viruses. Except this time there has been a virus capable of destroying it. if there is a virus that has been programmed to damage the windows system this can not be done in linux because they both have a different kernel.

d.Tampilan desktop varied. If you are using Linux, you can make the desktop becomes more varied that hard to do in the windows. Another advantage which we can modify the menu and access to the file to rejuvenate your work. Besides, ordinary users who want to tinker with linux at best only be stunned to see the desktop of our design, because it does not know what to do with such a desktop display.

e. Cheap price. You can copy the linux installation CD borrowed from a friend. when compared with windows that cost $ 100 this is certainly the best option is linux.

f. Stable. Possess a stable Linux kernel, he can run 24 hours a day 7 days seminggun without having to be restarted. and this makes linux be superior when compared to windows.

g. Minimum Hardware. Linux does not so require large hardware capacity.

h. Shared Liblaries. Not damaging other systems if diinsatall with other versions and systems used to run as usual.

i. Multitasking, which allows access to programs or data simultaneously without any hang on the computer.

j. Linux comes with a local proxy server used by ISPs and college campuses around the world.

Weakness OS Linux

Above are some of the advantages of the Linux OS. However, as we have mentioned above that Linux also has shortcomings that you should know before you use it. And Cons Linux OS are as follows:

a. Operating system used is very different from Windows, so you have to relearn to menggunkannyaa, and need time to get to know more in linux. And this is something quite disturbing for those users who want to switch to linux.

b. Use of WYSYWYG (What You See is What You Get) There thoroughly and so needed trk own for how to use it.

c. Found loopholes Linux is a weakness in the Wifi driver used for a computer with a Linux OS, Through these loopholes attacker may be able to control a computer or even a laptop is not currently active on the network hotspot.

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